Friday, July 07, 2006

Ouch..........Oh Shit.

No photos and little humour this time I'm afraid.

Thanks to all who were able to attend the St. Lymphoma's Summer Fete. We were blessed by fine weather and fine wine, and a good time was had by all I believe, although my memory of the latter part of the evening is somewhat hazy.

Unfortunately the evening seems to have used up what luck was available to me. Over the last couple of weeks I've developed some mild, and sadly familiar, aches and pains in my upper abdomen. A trip to St. Lymphoma's and quick chat with the doctor, and I'm back on the medical treadmill again. He would neither confirm nor deny, as the politicians say, but felt I should have another CT scan to see what's afoot. So I'm waiting for a date.

more anon


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